

Dear G-d, Please Look Down and See...

L'Chaim.jpgBarney Edelkind is 96 and in almost 17 years he has missed coming only three times to Chabad of Naples Shabbat service, when he was out of town for his great nephew's Bar Mitzvah and another simcha.

This was his first Shabbat ever, when he was in Naples and missed the Shabbat service.


When I called him today he jokingly said, “What are you doing to my record, Rabbi?”

We connected in Yiddish, saying that we will get together and rejoice again for Shabbat.

We pray, dear G-d, please look down and see how many of us just want to be together and sing your praise — please make it happen soon.

We are sorry, G-d, for our assertiveness but we ask that You please remove this virus from our midst and allow us to return to our former ways and we promise we will be even better human beings.


I have respected the rules - this photo of us was taken previously.



There is a tremendous difference between loneliness and solitude. These days we are forced to think of what it means to be alone, whether we are self-isolating or in quarantine.

Loneliness always seems to suggest a sadness, a not-by-choice situation. And then we have solitude - which feels like more of a choice, a time to enjoy being surrounded by peace and quiet. Now that we are entering a different phase in our lives, one where we will have more opportunities to spend more time on our own, let’s learn to expand our knowledge of solitude and enjoy it rather than resent and fear it.


Here is my word puzzle:)

S — Spend a few hours meditating on your relationship with G-d
O — One G-d, one commitment
L — Love your G-d with all your heart
I — Isolation - a choice - makes room for self-assessment and prayer
T — Torah teaches all we need to know
U — Use this new-found time wisely to help others
D — Dedicate yourself to the Mitzvah-A-Day Club
E — Each of us can make a difference

And now a challenge for you: how do you see solitude?


And you shall guard your lives ...

"And you shall guard your lives very well"

Deuteronomy 4:15



To our dear community,

I hope and pray you and your loved ones are ok.

As the spread of COVID-19 continues, Chabad of Naples is focusing on health and safety, especially to protect vulnerable people in our community.

With heavy hearts, we regret to inform you that as of Monday night, Chabad of Naples has suspended all programming and upcoming events, including synagogue services, until further notice. We do so with an eye to Judaism’s foundational teachings about the preservation of life.

It is at unpredictable times like this that we must turn to each other with support and look for ways to be of service. Please let us know if there is any way we can assist you.

In addition, if anyone who would like to volunteer to help our community - by helping purchase groceries for the elderly and those at higher risk or in other community-minded ways - please reach out. We are stronger together and we will get through this as a community.

Our team is working to set up a proactive Chessed committee charged with the task of reaching out to those who are most vulnerable in our community.

Members are ready-to-go and will call you, shop for you, deliver to you, speak with you and help you through this. If this applies to you or someone in your world, please call us if you need assistance.

We must also never lose sight of the importance and power of prayer. It is vital that we continue to focus our hearts and minds in prayer to Almighty G-d, who provides the ultimate means of protection and healing for the entire world.

Please know that we will communicate with you and share all information as we receive it. We are, first and foremost, mishpochah, our communication is two-way. Reach out, contact us if you need - we are here, day and night.

Connection to our community is what we are all about. So much of our world revolves around our close connection with each other. We love and cherish that.

We are going through trying times. Let’s be there for each other. Every challenge is an opportunity. Let’s make the best of the situation we are all in. If you know of someone that can use a helping hand or if you are available to give a helping hand to someone in need, please contact us. As always, if there is anything we can do to help you, a loved one or anyone else, please reach out to us.

We will be continually monitoring the latest advisories and relevant information regarding COVID-19 from the CDC website, while also consulting with other organizational leaders on how to take the most proactive approach to prevent the spread of the virus.

May G-d bless and protect you and your families and keep you safe.

We can’t wait to daven and dance with you once again. As your rabbi, and as your friends, we are here.

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos
Arthur Seigel M.D.




While sitting in my unusually quiet office today, missing the pitter patter of little feet in the corridor, an unusual sound broke the silence.

Whatever could it be?

Chairs.jpgI went on a scouting mission, and much to my surprise and delight, it was the delivery of 200 new, attractive chairs for our social hall!

Thank you Ettie Zaklos for initiating, spearheading and executing this project.

Thank you Bruce BarronJacki Barron, Michael and Barbara Gotthelf, Arthur M Seigel & Ellen Seigel, Sally Aaron, Steven and Sondra Davidson, Richard Federman Paula Federman for stepping forward to help bring some of them them to our doorstep.

And now, we’ll send a special thank you note to Hashem to look down upon us and provide us with an opportunity to celebrate together soon.

We can’t wait to enjoy the new chairs with all of you.


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