Join Our Growing Partners!

Dear Friends,

In spite of what you hear, instant gratification is NOT all bad! And here is an exciting way to experience it. We want you to share the incredible opportunity of participating in our Partner Project, which funds a “living, breathing” entity that you can actually touch, see, hear, and observe as it grows.

Since 2011, more than 300 households from all corners of the community have become partners with Chabad Naples. Each August, as they have renewed their support, they have enjoyed the amazing pride of ownership, knowing that their contributions have indeed not only maintained Chabad’s home, but also enabled all of its fine spiritual, educational, social, and humanitarian programs. As Partners gather to celebrate at the Annual Partnership Appreciation event each year, there is a strong sense of satisfaction and achievement.

We invite you to join this special project of enriching, enhancing and enlivening – we couldn’t do it without you. Consider becoming a Partner, renewing your partnership, and even extending it into a lifelong commitment. The possibilities are endless!

We will gratefully acknowledge all our Partners and Premier Partners for their dedication to the Naples community.

Please take a few moments to explore all our partnership opportunities.

For more information, please call (239) 262-4474 or email [email protected]

Rabbi Fishel Zaklos, Director
Ettie Zaklos, Co-Director
Arthur Seigel, President

Project Chairpersons: Jeffrey Glassover, Rosalind & Morris Herstein, Ellen Goldman-Savage & Sam Savage