Another busy week at Chabad of Naples as we celebrate the successes of our Preschool and our Hebrew School, with graduation ceremonies for both.
It’s that time of year again and as we gear up for yet another fantastic summer of camp, with only two weeks left to prepare and a few spots left to fill, now is the time either to sign up your camper or to click here for the scholarship fund, to give the gift of a summer of unbelievable fun to a child who will appreciate it. Do it today!
Shavuot, May 31: We look forward to seeing all of you at our Grand Shavuot Ice Cream Party and dairy buffet - No charge, but RSVP is required if you wish to attend: [email protected]
Yom Yerushalayim begins at sundown on Tuesday, May 23. Just 50 years ago those words “The kotel is in our hands" reverberated around the world, but just days before powerful armies wanted to wipe it away. At that time believers and non-believers all understood the miracle, and they all were moved to tears by the reunification of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City in June 1967.
As the mayor of Jerusalem said: 50 years ago Jerusalem was dysfunctional to say the least, while today in the ancient city where kings and prophets walked, it has been transformed to a modern international cosmopolitan center. It is one of the fastest growing high tech hubs with thriving innovative companies minutes from biblical sites and the greatest archaeological treasures. It’s the eternal home of the Jewish people and a miracle of diversity.
I just returned from an amazing albeit short trip to Israel with a Chabad Naples group. There are many stories which I hope to share in the coming weeks, but for now I just want to share how every time I go I feel my Neshama is alive. When we spent some time in Jerusalem and then in Tzfat and Meron, I truly felt the love, the warmth, the miracle and the diversity of observing the modern and the ancient thriving as one. Words fail me as I try to describe going the second time to pray at the wall, the night before we left. It was as if I couldn't leave for there was something drawing me to that powerful, awesome, and brilliant place. Although it was 1 in the morning it was like midday with so many people learning and praying. I was davening for my family and the Chabad Naples family and felt the prayers were going straight up as the divine presence is there. But it dosen't stop there as Jerusalem isn't just a geographical location, it's our story, it's our history and destiny. It represents peace, tranquility, reverence, awe, and respect, and our mission is to bring this Jerusalem into our own lives to connect with the past yet build a bridge of hope for the future. We never lost hope and have always yearned deeply for a better and brighter future.
An estimated 800,000 Jews came to pray, dance and celebrate at the grave of Rabbi Shimon in Meron, and we were there too, to share this legacy of love and beauty. Can you just imagine seeing that many people uniting in such an absolutely powerful way? Each had his reason for coming from every corner of the world for this event and it may be that the reason is as simple as our wish to pass the tradition along, as it's our story: we never forget and we don't lose hope. Rashbi’s entire life centered around one theme: Revealing the inner layer behind every element of our world. He taught humanity to focus on what unites us, not what divides us. He taught us to live for purpose, not just for pleasure. And he revealed how every individual has an infinite contribution to make to this world. Wishing everyone a peaceful and blessed Shabbat!