
From Pain to Prayer

Friday, 17 January, 2025 - 3:26 pm

Dear Friends, 

Here are some words I shared at the beautiful Chanukah Festival that I hope can resonate as we enter Shabbat with emotions running high. Just as they were predicting rain during the event hours, a miracle came through, and we were able to sit together and celebrate. So too, it reminds us that in times of despair, despite predictions of gloom and doom, hope and faith can illuminate even the darkest moments.

This Shabbat, the words I’ll be thinking over and over are what God said to Moses in this week’s Torah portion: “I hear your cries, I’ve seen your affliction, and I will redeem you.” That’s the message I want to take into Shabbos, a message of hope, of light, and of faith. Despite the uncertainties and moral complexities, we pray to see all the remaining hostages safely returned to their families. We pray for evil to be removed from this world. Though these may seem like opposing hopes, we know that Hashem has a way to bring both into reality.

These will not be easy days ahead. So, let’s make sure of one thing: that we’re compassionate to one another. Let’s not allow anxiety to overwhelm us. Let’s come together as brothers and sisters to acknowledge the overwhelming pain and pray for the families of the hostages and the hostages themselves, the families of the IDF soldiers who gave their last full measure of devotion and the families of the IDF wounded, and the pain of all our brothers and sisters in Israel: those that are for the deal, because like all of us, they want “them home now,” and those that are against the deal, because like all of us, they don’t want to further incentivize hostage-taking, among other things.

We must rise above our differences of opinion and show unwavering support for Israel, especially when the world has turned its back on us.  

With all of these on our minds, let us turn to God, to please have mercy on us and bring all of them home today, peacefully—the hostages and the soldiers fighting terror.

Join us this Shabbat at the world-famous Shabbat of Naples services. Come at 11:00 AM for the Torah reading, insights, and a heartfelt message about the current moment, and the feelings we are all grappling with. Watch this video for a message of inspiration and hope as we prepare to bring more light into the world.

With love,

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos  

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