*This article was written on the final day of the campaign on Monday
Dear Friends,
As the United as One campaign nears its close, I wanted to share a moment that truly reflects what this campaign is all about.
A few hours ago, I received a call from someone I’ve never met, asking if a rabbi could be by the side of a man in his final moments. I immediately stopped everything and rushed to the bedside. Alone in the room, I recited psalms and prayers, just him, me and G-d.
Ten minutes after I left, I received a call from the power of attorney informing me that the man had peacefully passed away. It was a G-dly moment—this man, who had no family or anyone else, was waiting for his peace. It was also a reminder of the well-known Jewish saying - "When a Mitzvah comes your way, do it right away." I feel humbled and grateful to have gotten there just in time.
I just received this email from the power of attorney, shared here with her permission.
So much of what we do at Chabad of Naples and Preschool of the Arts happens quietly, behind the scenes, in deeply personal moments like this one. It is not one person, but many who step up to help our fellow community members when needed. Every day, we visit people in hospitals, comfort those in need, and bring volunteers together to lift up our community in ways big and small— a lot of which goes unseen and undocumented.
But these moments, just like our big, public celebrations, are the essence of who we are. We strive to be like the many-branched Menorah, bringing light, love, warmth, and hope to every corner of our community, even in the most difficult times.
This year, which has tested us all on so many levels, your partnership ensures that this work continues.
Will you help us continue shining the light and bring us across the finish line?
Rabbi Fishel Zaklos