
Make a L’Chaim with me

Friday, 20 December, 2024 - 7:29 am

Good morning!

It’s perhaps the most famous Jewish word, and it’s how I feel every time I’m surrounded by our community.

It’s that feeling that I’m not alone, and nor are you; it’s that little glimmer of hope felt deep inside on the very darkest of days; and it’s that overwhelming joy that makes me jump up and dance with you to celebrate everything we have together.

It’s when we come together, and despite all the darkness out there, we raise our cups to the future and cheer — L’Chaim! To life!

When I’m together with the Chabad of Naples and Jay and Patty Naples Preschool of the Arts communities, I know that everything will be good, we’re bringing life!

It’s been twenty one years of bringing life, full of light and love, to our community. It’s L’Chaim to the seniors, to the children, to the classes, and to the amazing programs.

In hurricanes, after tragedy in Israel, and in the midst of rising antisemitism, we only grow stronger and louder in our passion for life, in our strength as a community. We’re always there for each other because our community knows that we will always go L’Chaim! To life!

Today I ask you to continue helping Chabad of Naples & Naples Preschool of the Arts to flourish, to fire up that passion, and to help us keep giving.

Make a L’Chaim with me. Donate generously to our campaign (we're at 25%), we need your support to keep Chabad Naples & Naples Preschool of the Arts shining in Naples.

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos 


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