
Don’t Look Back: The Strength to Move Forward

Friday, 15 November, 2024 - 11:10 am

Dear Friends,

This week’s Torah portion carries a powerful life lesson just before the destruction of the city of Sedom. An angel warns Lot, Abraham’s nephew: “Run for your life. Do not look behind you.” Yet Lot’s wife, overcome with curiosity or attachment, looks back and is transformed into a pillar of salt.

Why such an extraordinary and distinctive consequence?

Our sages offer a deeper insight. “Don’t look back” teaches us to learn how to let go of our past mistakes. We all slip, fall short, or miss the mark. But dwelling on these failures, letting negativity and regret rule, only holds us back. Yes, we need to reflect and learn from our errors, but not to the point of being paralyzed by them.

Lot’s wife becoming a “pillar of salt” is a perfect metaphor. Salt, by its very nature, preserves and keeps what it is spread on intact. It inhibits the ability to grow, to change, or to move forward. Lot’s wife literally got stuck in her past. She couldn’t move past it, couldn’t look forward, and didn’t let herself start again.

May we each be blessed with the strength to move forward with hope, leaving the past behind and stepping freely into the light of new possibilities.

Let’s embrace this message and focus on moving forward. We have two beautiful opportunities to do just that:

• Monday: Mega Challah Bake—a special event for women to come together for a meaningful evening of connection and inspiration.

• Tuesday: Join us for the launch of the Nurturing Relationships course, a journey to discover how we can build stronger connections and create a brighter future together.

Shabbat Shalom with Love and Light, 

Rabbi Fishel Zaklos  

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