Dear Friends,
The saddest day on the Jewish calendar is the Ninth of Av, “Tisha b'Av," the date on which both our Holy Temples were destroyed, and exile, persecution and spiritual darkness began.
During this time-period we fast, eschew pleasurable activities and amenities, and lament the destruction of the Holy Temple and the the worlds exile.
It is a tradition, however, that Tisha b'Av is also the birthday of our Redeemer. This symbolizes the idea that from the ashes of the destroyed temple will rise an incomparably magnificent edifice; exile will give birth to redemption. Thus Tisha b’Av is also a day of anticipation and hope, for “One who mourns Jerusalem will merit seeing her happiness."
One of the core principles in Judaism is the belief that better days are ahead: a world of universal peace, and peace among humanity.
This picture which has been circulating in social media expresses this in a powerful way. It is worth sharing, to give you strength in your own journey, in the midst of the hate, anti-semitism and negativity. Stand up and be counted! Let Shoshana be an inspiration!
Be fruitful and multiply!
Words form social media…
“In front of her eyes she watched Mengele taking her mother. Shoshana Obitz herself survived Auschwitz. After the war, she met Dov, who lost his wife and four daughters in the camps. They married and came to Haifa. She worked as a seamstress and helped him run the chicken shop. Shoshana on her birthday and asked for one gift: that all her descendants come together to the Western Wall.
Am Yisrael Chai! ”
This just happened in Israel, as protesters who are against the judicial overhaul head down the escalator and meet those who are protesting for the judicial overhaul heading up the escalator of a Jerusalem train station. Watch the video below!
As we observe Tisha B’Av, the saddest day in the Jewish calendar on which we lost both our temples due to hatred, we need to find a path of balance, harmony, and oneness.
This is not a simple issue. But, nothing important in life is simple.
Let’s all pray for a future where moments like these are more than just moments.
Clement Soffer will share poignant words and insights, reminding us of the significance of Tisha b’Av and its enduring relevance in our lives. In these trying times, the need for unity and prayers is more critical than ever.
Thursday, July 27
7:30 PM: Mincha services (with Tallis & Tefillin), Torah reading and Haftorah
8:42 PM: Fast ends
Light refreshments
Have an easy fast
Click here to learn more about the laws and customs of Tisha B'Av.
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos
This week's Kiddush luncheon, sponsored by Richard and Paula Federman
To honor the Yahrzeits
of Paula's mother, Myra Macher (Mira bas Zalman v' Perla), and Paula's Aunt
Marie Levitan (Rivka bas Perla)