
We all need downtime

Friday, 7 July, 2023 - 5:30 pm

Dear Friends,

In this week’s Torah portion, Pinchas, we read about Shabbat and the Jewish holidays, and the offerings associated with each of them.

It’s fascinating that Judaism has so many days associated with rest and “holding back” from creativity and “work”. These holy days aren’t just about leaving the mundane, but about entering a state of “service”, bringing “offerings” to G-d, which is really just a form of spiritual fulfillment for each of us. It's an opportune time for us to tap into our depth and spend time focusing on that which really matters.

In his book “The gift of rest”, Joe Lieberman writes that “G-d gave us the Sabbath as a gift, and He meant for us to enjoy it. We begin the holy day with darkness so that we can more fully appreciate the light of the Sabbath day when it dawns.”

We all need downtime, but not downtime to do nothing and tune-out, but rather downtime to tune-in to our souls, our emotions, our psyche and to why we are blessed to live on G-d’s green earth.

We all need breathers and sooner is always better than later.

Taking care of ourselves, ensures we can take care of others!

Shabbat Shalom with Love & Light,
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos
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