
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

L’Chaim, to Life!

Dear Friends,

If there's one thing we all need now more than anything else it's INSPIRATION & STRENGTH.

Between the difficult news from the battlefield in Gaza, to the anti-Semitism around the world, we need to keep focused on our own values and identity, from which to find inner strength during these times of uncertainty.

It's very important for us to make the most of every opportunity to come together and demonstrate our common commitment to our heritage, culture and ideals.

This Monday night, our community will have the privilege of immersing in Tevye in New York! – Tom Dugan’s one-man show is based on Sholem Aleichem’s beloved characters immortalized in Fiddler on the Roof. This show takes up where the original stories left off as Tevye tries to balance tradition with what it means to be an American Jew.

Join us for this much anticipated event at Hilton Naples! You won't forget. Don't miss out! 

The Rebbe often spoke of turning pain into action, and tragedy into positive energy for goodness.

Ultimately, Jewish identity and continuity depends on one thing: Jewish wisdom. The teachings of our Torah are eternal and infused with meaning and depth. It’s a study, something to talk and think about, but it’s also a way to live and behave – with faith, humility, kindness and compassion.

So let us provide our families and children with deep a and meaningful Jewish education and experience.

Join us on Monday night as we take inspiration and energy from coming together as a community to celebrate Jewish life, and encourage ourselves and each other to move forward with strength and even optimism, as individuals and as a community.

85% Sold - Secure your ticket now and don't miss out on this unforgettable experience.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. We hope to see you. 

“L’Chaim, to Life!” – a life of Yiddishkeit --- today, tomorrow, forever!

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

The not-so-secret formula behind the success of Chabad and Preschool

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Dear Friends, 

In this week’s Torah portion we have the delivery of the ten commandments. It is interesting to note in  the scene at Mount Sinai, in the days leading up to that most awesome spiritual event in history,  G-d gives  Moses very specific instructions about conveying the message to the Jewish people:  in preparation for the big event, He tells Moses to first address “Bait Yakov” – the women – and only afterwards the men.   

The point was, that G-d knew  the only way His Torah would be properly received and effectively transmitted from one generation to the next was through the enhanced qualities of vision and foresight, clarity and intuition, loving and nurturing, that women bring to the table.

This is a phenomenon that we have seen throughout the millennia,  that there was  a more internal, far-sighted, and soul-based influence wielded by our strong and competent Jewish women.  These qualities  have served as our nation’s greatest source of salvation and most effective engine for positive change and growth. 

When we study the lives and times of the heroines of our history,  women like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, like Chana and Devora, Ruth and Queen Esther, and so many others,  the common thread among all of them was their keen ability to see beyond the difficult issues and challenges of the moment,  to the bigger picture of what it’s all about  and to act and lead the way with incredible boldness and selflessness.

This week is the International Chabad conference, attended by women hailing from around the world, as far away as Laos and Angola. As more than 3,000 Chabad women gather in Crown Heights, can you imagine the power emanating from there! This is a special time to acknowledge, as we all know, the not-so-secret formula behind the success of Chabad Naples and Preschool: it is Ettie.

The common saying that “behind every successful man is a woman” is not true in our case, as Ettie and I have proudly worked side by side for the past 20 years co-directing Chabad of Naples together as partners. 

L’chaim Ettie! L’chaim for everything you do for our Chabad of Naples & Preschool of the Arts, and for bringing so much joy and love into our community and our home. 

Rabbi Fishel Zaklos  


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