
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

Wishing you and your family the very best in 2025

Dear Friends,

We would like to take this opportunity, to wish you and your family the very best in 2025. May it be a year of blessings for you, for our community, for our country and for our Holy Land of Israel and may we enjoy these blessings in the best of health and happiness.


We would like to take a moment to thank you, and our beautiful community as a whole, for helping make the last twelve months such a resounding success. 

This past year has been a time of tremendous growth. More people than ever before were impacted, assisted, inspired and touched in so many ways.

None of this would have happened without the unwavering encouragement, financial and moral support from so many of you who are truly our partners in making this happen.

Thank you to all who donated in 2024 and helped make it a year of continued success. It was the collective power of these donations which helped meet the evolving needs of our community.

To our steadfast Chabad of Naples Partners and our dedicated POTA Circle of Hearts members, thank you for being the backbone of our organization, and providing the critical funds needed for us to operate and grow. To all who support Chabad Naples generously throughout the year,  thank you so much, you are very much appreciated and admired. Thank You for providing Chabad Naples with the means to be able to do the work it does, year round.

Thank you to the dozens of volunteers who gave their time and energy to the center, or who helped so many in times of need.

Thanks to the thousands of you who participated in programs, holiday events, classes, and many services and celebrations, who enabled us to spread more light and blessings in 2024.

We are all so blessed to have each other and to have such an incredible community. Let us take a moment and recognize the blessings in our life and go into the new year filled with optimism and gratitude!

Looking forward to good and even better times ahead together as a community in 2025. And wishing each and every one of you good health, happiness and continued success!

We can't wait to spend an epic 2025 with you.

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

Arthur M. Seigel

Three Hours Ago I received a Call, Just When It Mattered Most

*This article was written on the final day of the campaign on Monday

Dear Friends,

As the United as One campaign nears its close, I wanted to share a moment that truly reflects what this campaign is all about.

A few hours ago, I received a call from someone I’ve never met, asking if a rabbi could be by the side of a man in his final moments. I immediately stopped everything and rushed to the bedside. Alone in the room, I recited psalms and prayers, just him, me and G-d.

Ten minutes after I left, I received a call from the power of attorney informing me that the man had peacefully passed away. It was a G-dly moment—this man, who had no family or anyone else, was waiting for his peace. It was also a reminder of the well-known Jewish saying - "When a Mitzvah comes your way, do it right away." I feel humbled and grateful to have gotten there just in time.

I just received this email from the power of attorney, shared here with her permission.

So much of what we do at Chabad of Naples and Preschool of the Arts happens quietly, behind the scenes, in deeply personal moments like this one. It is not one person, but many who step up to help our fellow community members when needed. Every day, we visit people in hospitals, comfort those in need, and bring volunteers together to lift up our community in ways big and small— a lot of which goes unseen and undocumented.

But these moments, just like our big, public celebrations, are the essence of who we are. We strive to be like the many-branched Menorah, bringing light, love, warmth, and hope to every corner of our community, even in the most difficult times.

This year, which has tested us all on so many levels, your partnership ensures that this work continues.

Will you help us continue shining the light and bring us across the finish line?

Rabbi Fishel Zaklos  TIMING.jpg


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Dear Friends, 

A miraculous community response! Together. We did it! One community united in a beautiful effort to help bring light to others.

We are so touched and humbled by the outpouring of love and support.

In the past four days, 272 generous donors came together with contributions of all sizes.

Knowing that you are eager to support Chabad Naples & Preschool of the Arts, is inspiring and empowering. The excitement and happiness in the community was palpable throughout, and the donations didn't stop, nor have they stopped yet. This accomplishment will be the force for even more growth, education and celebration, going forward!


In addition to this big four-day United as One fundraiser, we also want to take a moment to acknowledge all those who help Chabad of Naples & Preschool of the Arts every single day.

To our incredible Chabad Naples Partners through our Partner Project.

- To the generous souls who dedicate buildings, classrooms, and spaces for future generations.

- To the Chabad Naples donors who sponsor mega holiday events, programs, and celebrations.

- To the anonymous sponsors who quietly uplift so many.

- To the parents, teachers, and families who make our Preschool of the Arts so vibrant.

- To those who attend, participate, and bring joy and energy to our events and services.

- To every supporter and volunteer of Chabad of Naples and POTA in any capacity, we are so grateful for your friendship and partnership.

YOU are all the heart of what we do. Together, we’ve created something truly extraordinary—a place where light, love, and community flourish every day.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being part of this journey and for helping us make a difference in so many lives. We couldn’t do it without you!

May you and yours be blessed in 2025 with an abundance of health, sustenance and happiness.

Let’s keep the momentum going!

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

Arthur M Seigel


A heartfelt note on day four of the campaign

Community.jpgLet there be light

Dear Friends,

Over the last three days, something extraordinary has taken place.

So far, a total of 226 dear friends have come together to support Chabad of Naples and the Naples Preschool of the Arts, rallying behind our mission to bring love and positivity into our community. When reflecting on this incredible outpouring of kindness and generosity, one word comes to mind: light.

The Bible tells us that the first thing G-d created was light. “And the Lord said, let there be light, and there was light.”

Why is light so important that it was created before anything else?

Over the past year, the answer has become increasingly clear to us. In a world that sometimes feels so dark and overwhelming, the greatest antidote is light. “Let there be light!” is an eternal charge given to each of us to illuminate our hearts, our homes, and our communities.

There is darkness in your heart? Let there be light.

There is darkness in your home? Let there be light.

There is darkness in your community? Let there be light!

When dark forces wreak havoc on those we love, we can feel powerless to stop them. While we may not always prevent darkness from occurring, we are never powerless to keep it from spreading.

This is the message of light—not just for today, but every day. Whether lighting Shabbat candles on Friday night or focusing on the miracles of Chanukah, light serves as a symbol of hope, warmth, and resilience.

Chanukah, the festival of lights, begins with one simple flame and grows brighter each night, reminding us that light always prevails over darkness. It is a testament to the unstoppable power of goodness, justice, and faith.

So here’s my heartfelt invitation: First, bring light into your own self, and then you’ll be able to bring light into the world. Light your own menorah this Chanukah, witness for yourself the magic of light overcoming darkness, and join us for the Chanukah Festival and Public Menorah Lighting, the biggest Chanukah party of the year at Cambier Park on Sunday. Bring your friends and family—let’s bring the entire community together!

For nearly 4,000 years, the Jewish people have strived to be a light unto the nations. Even in times of difficulty, when darkness threatened to consume us, we have banded together and let our light shine. That light sustains us even today.

And we at Chabad of Naples have always strived to be a light over these past 21 years—in difficult times, bringing comfort and hope, and in times of celebration, spreading joy and love to thousands of people. If there’s one thing you hear over and over, it’s that the Chabad Naples family spreads light and love to the entire community.

To the 226 friends who have already joined this campaign, and to ALL the Chabad Naples supporters and partners throughout the year, thank you for being the light! If you haven’t yet had the chance to contribute to this specific canpaign, now is the perfect time. We only have a few hours left. Together, we can spread light and love even further.

Do not underestimate the power of your own light. Now is the time to shine it brighter than ever.

Let there be light in our world!

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie











Make sure your candle is lit.

Good.JPGMake sure your candle is lit.

The message of Chanukah is that we must continue to bring light into the world, one candle at a time.

Chanukah is celebrated during the darkest time of year, when the days are short, and the nights are long and cold. The greatest miracles—the small and weak winning over the big and strong, and the little flames that flicker for eight days—happen during days when there’s more dark than light.

Because it’s in those dark moments that we must come together and create light. It’s in those times of challenge that we discover the flame within us and learn to appreciate its power.

With all of the craziness going on in our world today, the need for more and more light has never been greater.

May the warmth and glow of each candle make your heart and home happy and bright.

And if you have not yet done so, please add YOUR light to our community menorah by donating to our campaign today. 

We need your light!

Thank you!

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie 


Make a L’Chaim with me

Good morning!

It’s perhaps the most famous Jewish word, and it’s how I feel every time I’m surrounded by our community.

It’s that feeling that I’m not alone, and nor are you; it’s that little glimmer of hope felt deep inside on the very darkest of days; and it’s that overwhelming joy that makes me jump up and dance with you to celebrate everything we have together.

It’s when we come together, and despite all the darkness out there, we raise our cups to the future and cheer — L’Chaim! To life!

When I’m together with the Chabad of Naples and Jay and Patty Naples Preschool of the Arts communities, I know that everything will be good, we’re bringing life!

It’s been twenty one years of bringing life, full of light and love, to our community. It’s L’Chaim to the seniors, to the children, to the classes, and to the amazing programs.

In hurricanes, after tragedy in Israel, and in the midst of rising antisemitism, we only grow stronger and louder in our passion for life, in our strength as a community. We’re always there for each other because our community knows that we will always go L’Chaim! To life!

Today I ask you to continue helping Chabad of Naples & Naples Preschool of the Arts to flourish, to fire up that passion, and to help us keep giving.

Make a L’Chaim with me. Donate generously to our campaign (we're at 25%), we need your support to keep Chabad Naples & Naples Preschool of the Arts shining in Naples.

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos 


Keeping it light: What Jewish History Teaches Us About Darkness

 Chanukah 2024.jpg

Dear Friends,

What’s more powerful––light or dark? How does the classic battle of good vs. evil play out in real life?

Darkness takes up more news time and brain space than light-filled tales. Open any news site, and you will inevitably find more sad and scary happenings than positive and uplifting stories. 

But is darkness stronger and more enduring than light? Is a sword more powerful than a heart of courage? Superficially, yes. But all we need to do is think about the history of the Jewish people, and we’ll realize the truth that although we were often the victims of evil done to us by people physically stronger, they are gone and we are here. We thrive and grow until this very day. 

What will the world look like in a hundred years? I have no idea. Perhaps there will be flying Teslas occupying our airspace, and AI waiters bringing us our food. But I know for certain that the Jewish people will be here, lighting Shabbat candles, and celebrating the Bar and Bat Mitzvahs of our children. The Jewish nation is eternal.

The Chanukah story about a small ragtag group of Maccabees taking down the mightiest army on earth – the Greeks – just by the power of their faith and courage is a perfect example of how a little light is so much more powerful than darkness. No military analyst would have predicted their victory, or that 2,200 years later millions of people would still celebrate that victory of light by lighting Menorahs, eating latkes, and playing dreidel. 

The Maccabees took to heart the verse from the Biblical book of Zecharia: “Not by might, and not by power, but by My spirit, said the Lord of hosts.” Our strength is with our spirit or “ruach," which we believe is infinitely more potent and consequential than the sharpest knife and the fastest fighter jet. 

This is not to say that physical prowess is unimportant. We are grateful every day that brave nations like the United States and Israel have armies that can stand up to tyrants and those who wish them harm. We owe these selfless soldiers a huge debt of gratitude.  

Yet we know that might uncoupled with spiritual tenacity and a heart of light and love will not endure. 

Physical victories are not the only battles worth noting. It is not only weapons of steel that win wars, but words of prayer and Psalms, sacrifices to save another, and the courage to unite against the common enemy of evil.

This message is extremely important in our times when so many people are anxious about the stressful news that seems to be overwhelming our Social Media feeds and TV screens. For a moment, we might feel powerless and terrified by the force of darkness that seems so much more powerful than little me and the little Mitzvah or act of kindness I’ve done. But consider the power of one tiny match to push away the heavy darkness of a pitch black room. How a small glow can envelop us and light the way through the dark. So while the pain we experience from darkness is very real, we can take solace in the truth that we retain the ability to dispel even the darkest night.

That’s why I hold onto the Jewish story and the miracle of the Maccabees, so I will never forget the truth of life: light will win every time. Yesh Tikvah––there is hope and promise that the arc of history will bend towards the spirit.  

Don’t give up. Don’t give in. Join together this Chanukah and kindle an eternal flame. Fight with light. You are guaranteed to win.

A special way to do this is to join us at the biggest Chanukah celebration of the year at Cambier Park on Sunday, December 29 at 3:30 PM.  Let’s come together as a community to flood Naples with light, joy, and hope. Let’s make this a celebration to remember––and let’s bring the light! While RSVP is not required, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to RSVP so we can plan accordingly.

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos  


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