
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

'new' and 'renew'

Dear Friends,

The difference between 'new' and 'renew' is that something 'new' is appearing for the first time, while 'renew' means to restore, refresh, or revive something to make it like new again.

Although 'new' sounds exciting and thrilling, when it comes to the truly important things in life, we usually strive for durability and permanence. Finding new loved ones is great, but keeping the old ones is even better. A stream of new relationships, jobs and homes creates a life of impermanence; most of us prefer the depth and safety of a steady anchor. So it's actually 'REnew' that is the spice of life.

Today is Rosh Chodesh, which marks the start of the new Hebrew month. The Hebrew word for month, 'Chodesh', comes from the word for new. Every month in our lunar calendar is launched by the birth of the 'new' moon. However, the moon isn't really new, it just disappears from view every month and then returns.

So let the energy of Rosh Chodesh remind you to appreciate the constants in your life. Look at your spouse, job, home, and everything else with renewed appreciation and excitement. Recognize that you're living G-d's gift and appreciate it.

Chodesh Tov and Shabbat Shalom with Love & Light,

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

We say thank you

Dear Friends, 

The holiday of Passover and the Seder in particular remind us to be grateful and to give thanks for all we have. Our well-known tune Dayenu reminds us of all the times G-d helped us in amazing ways, and of how ungrateful we were, always demanding more. Passover is, therefore, our opportunity to make up for this by showing how grateful we were and still are, every step of the journey. 

On the night of the Seder the gates of the heavens are open, and we raise our glasses filled with wine and say L'chaim. On a personal level, this is when Ettie and I express thanks to our incredible family: yes, our Naples/ Marco Mishpacha for every step of this amazing journey. 20 years ago we came to this beautiful place called Naples and today we have a growing and beautiful family, and we will spend the time at the Seder to go back and reflect on all the incredible angels who have given so much, who have been here for our community, for Chabad Naples and for us. We say thank you.

Our sincere repeated thanks will never be enough. 

Passover is also the time when we are blessed with spiritual freedom to allow us to rise above and "Passover" the confusion and worry stemming from the challenges we face in daily life. This year, more so than other years perhaps, Passover comes just on time. Enjoy its rich traditions, observe it's sacred customs. It will afford you much needed energy of joy and liberation to savor year-round. 

As we commemorate our first journey home, from Eygpt to the land of Israel, we pray for our Holy Land Eretz Yisrael and its people, Am Yisrael, that for once and for all -  they, all those who dwell in her borders and her neighbors beyond, be freed from the tyranny of terrorism striking fear in the hearts of its innocent, and may the land secure in its physical borders and its people secure in their spiritual purpose, be a light unto the nations.

May all of us find it within our heart to love each other and recognize that we are brothers and sisters, truly one family!

We pray for the people in Ukraine, we ask the Al-mighty; Protect those who only desire and deserve to live in security and safety. Comfort those who fear for their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Be with those who are bereaved. Change the hearts of those set on violence and aggression.

We pray for the children of the world, the tragically suffering children of Ukraine, the hunger-stricken of Africa, the refugees in Europe and the US, and indeed all of G-d's children across the world, that they be endowed with a spirit of freedom from the oppression around them and be given the chance to live their lives in peace and dignity.

Let us use this opportunity to tap in to our inner Moses, taking a step forward in our own lives, to live a more present, conscious, G-dly life; enriching our family experience, uplifting our social value, and expanding our communal contribution to make the world, immediately around us, and beyond, a holier and happier place. We ask Hashem that as we grow and the needs continue, the angels and continued miracles will flow together.

We love you and L’chaim!!!!

 Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos


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