
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

Loving and guiding my steps

Dear Friends,

We are told that Mezuzos bring safety and security to the home. It brings in G-d's protection. Looking and touching the mezuzah reminds us that G-d is watching over me, and that I have nothing to fear. He holds my hand in all times. Loving and guiding my steps.

It is always such a joy to welcome people to the community by blessing their homes in this way.

In the Shema prayer we say “You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.“ But what is its significance?

The mezuzah is placed at the threshold of our homes, at the crossover between our ‘inner’ lives and ‘outer’ lives. As we make the transition from private person to public citizen, we need to be reminded of who we are, making sure that we take our identity and values with us wherever we may go. There is only One G‑d, whether in our private domain or in the big, wide world.

Being Jewish ‘inside’ is relatively easy, after all it is we who create the atmosphere at home. It’s when we hit the ‘outside’ that we encounter temptation and turmoil. The challenge every Jew must face is to remain proudly Jewish even in the face of conflicting cultures, curious looks, and often, hostile attitudes. 

If you need help with a Mezuzah for your home/office, please let us know, we are happy to assist.

Shabbat Shalom with Love & Light,

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

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