Dear Friends,
Yesterday was Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. As meaningful as every Shabbat can be, perhaps this week can be a little more significant as we remember and pay tribute to the Six Million "kdoshim". We will read from the Holocaust Torah that was dedicated to Chabad of Naples in Jan 2012.
Who can forget when we dedicated the Chabad Center, with people of all ages, young and old, singing and rejoicing? And then, the highlight of the dedication, receiving the Holocaust Torah.
Mixed feelings? To say the least. Joy and sorrow -- joy for all that survived, and sorrow for our losses, and there were many. That this Torah survived and came into our hands, reborn through the generosity of Ellen A. Goldman and Sam Savage, and the Federman Family, is nothing short of a miracle.
We have become the stewards of a valuable piece of history, and with that we are responsible to the donors who entrusted it to us saying, "It is in good hands at Chabad of Naples."During this sacred time let us give homage to what we have lost and honor them by dwelling on a strong and blessed future.
We can take this time to discuss our history with our children in appropriate ways. Now is the time to teach them to respect the great sacrifices made by the lives and heroism of the 6 million Jewish people who were slaughtered in the Holocaust and to honor their memories.
During a discussion in our last Hebrew school class, the children realized their responsibility in carrying this legacy forward. It encouraged them to pray for these souls and resolve to make a Mitzvah and live as proud Jews, in honor of the memories of those who died.
Our youth today need to see the ‘Joy’s of Judaism not only the Oy’s of our faith’.
As we continued to reflect on frightening current warlike conditions throughout the world, our desire grew to increase our involvement and to ensure “Never Again” becomes a reality rather than just a slogan.
We pray for worldwide peace and understanding and that no one should ever face this horror again. I know the 6 million will be praying along with us from On High... I also know Hashem will answer our prayers.
May the memory of the six million be blessed.Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos