Dear Friends,
Chanukah brings light to our homes and to our lives. Think about the power of light, that even the tiniest light can dispel a room full of darkness. A small flame can spread its light to an endless number of candles.
Many people are walking around worried about the future of the world, things seem grim at times. Chanukah comes along with it's message of light, proclaiming for all to see: Light is much stronger than darkness, love is stronger than hate, goodness will overcome evil!
The same is true in our personal lives: When we feel a cloud of darkness descending upon us, perhaps because of a financial, medical or familial challenge we're facing, we can begin to despair. The Chanukah lights illuminate the way for us, and remind us that where there's light any cloud can be lifted.
How do we access light? Through strong faith in HASHEM!
When one's faith is weak, all sorts of clouds of worry and concern, for troubles real and perceived, can encircle us and make us feel helpless and confused. When we take the time to refocus and strengthen our faith in HASHEM, remembering that He creates us and the entire world, and directs our lives down to the minutest detail, and we're never alone, suddenly our lives become illuminated. Doubt and confusion give way to a life filled with focus and direction.
As the Rebbe, Rabbi Schneerson, would often say, quoting his father in law and predecessor: "we must listen to what the Chanukah candles are telling us."
Each night, after lighting the candles, it is customary to spend 30 minutes sitting near the candles, studying Torah, playing dreydel with the family, or just reflecting. Take the time to listen to these miraculous candles, and reflect on how real HASHEM is in YOUR life! The results will be miraculous!
With love and blessings,
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos