Dear Friends,
Well dear Friends, it is Florida and in addition to that, do we have to remind ourselves that it is also hurricane season? Not likely! As we sit glued to our computer screens tracking Hurricane Isaias, we notice that it is beginning to pull eastward. Do you have the same inclination that I do, to take my finger and push it off even farther into the Atlantic where it cannot harm anyone?
It may be no coincidence that this weeks we read the Haftorah from Isaiah! This Shabbat is called the ‘Shabbat of comfort’, based on Isaiah's prophecy: "Take comfort, take comfort, My people", following yesterday’s commemoration of the Temple's destruction on Tishah B'Av.
It may be safe to say that at no point in our adult lives have we felt so confused and vulnerable as we do today, with the virus, violence and political polarization that surrounds us. One of the many silver linings of Corona is our recognition that indeed we're not in control, which is a good first-step to the even more important realization: that someOne is!
The ‘Shabbat of Comfort’ comes right in time to remind us we're not alone. It reminds us someOne is in fact in charge, serving as Comforter in Chief for each of us individually, helping us deal with our individual challenges.
Lately when people express their feelings of utter despair at the current situation I find myself saying: just remember, G-d hasn't left the cockpit!
The first thing we want and pray for is for this pandemic to end, for people to have relief. Yet, our role is also to seek out the silver linings, the personal messages and opportunities the current situation presents to us. If G-d asks it of us, it means we're up to the challenge.
Stay safe, stay home, and enjoy a beautiful and peaceful Shabbat!
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos