Thank you!
We must begin with a prayer to G-d that all the ill be healed, all the grieved be comforted, that all the medical heroes find strength (!), that all the researchers find the vaccine, and that all governments govern with mercy and with wisdom!
This is an unprecedented time in the history of mankind. Never before has Planet Earth witnessed such a mass effort of every human being wherever they may be concentrating their focus in one direction: fighting an illness!
It's unfortunate that it's taken this terrible virus to bring us all together, but now that we're here we need to learn and grow from this experience. The world must become a better place when this thing is over - better than it was before COVID-19 attacked.
That's exactly what Shabbat is about. The gift of Shabbat is the gift of a mandated pause in time, forcing us to reflect on the week that has passed so that we can improve in the week ahead.
We have closed so many doors these last few days, no one has been entering our homes... But tonight we have an opportunity to host a guest who seeks our company, as we seek her peace and camaraderie. Welcome her light into your home, as the sun begins to set on Friday (at 7:21pm in Naples), enjoy her company until Saturday after nightfall (8:13pm) and from there the light will go viral to your friends, neighbors and family. Let's make this world shine forever!
Her name is Shabbos... Close your connection to the outside world and allow your inner world to blossom and to thrive.