
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles:

1.            Our protocol and policies are reviewed by doctors and by rabbis who are experts in Jewish law application. (Jewish law mandates our strict adherence to medical authority as an utmost priority.)

2.            Everything is subject to change, as circumstances change. We're keeping a close eye and we will modify our protocol accordingly.

3.            Do what you feel is best for you - consult with your doctor as to the best way forward for your personal situation. And let's respect the rights of others to think and act differently during this time. 

Click here for a description of the changes made in the center to ensure that we are all protected against the spread of COVID-19. Also outlined, is the code of behavior expected from those participating in services. 

Capacity is limited and it is open by pre-registration only. If you would like to attend, please email ([email protected]) and you will receive a confirmation email. Unfortunately, it is not possible at this time to attend services without pre-registering. 

The most stringent guidelines will not completely obviate all risk that remains present. Therefore, anyone over 65 and/or someone who is more vulnerable to the virus due to an underlying health condition, is asked to carefully consider this reality and consult with their personal physician, before attending services. 

We know these are uncertain and challenging times. While this email is welcome news for some, for others who either are unable to attend or who feel it remains unsafe to attend Shul at this time, it doesn't represent a significant change. We miss you, care about you, and can't wait to be together with you again.
Most importantly, we pray to Hashem to send a speedy recovery to all who are affected, to keep all of us healthy, and to protect our modern heroes who are helping our community and country during these difficult times - including healthcare workers, grocery store clerks, postal workers, delivery drivers, and so many more people.       

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We have no doubt that together, we will adapt well to this challenging time and, please G-d, emerge stronger as individuals and as a community.     

With much love and blessings,  

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

Arthur Seigel M.D.   

How do we achieve true happiness?

Dear Friends,

This evening the festival of Sukkot begins. It is a time of joy and celebration. How do we achieve true happiness?

To be really happy means to have a sense of purpose and achievement. Happiness comes with clarity of direction from within and the ability to give meaning to every situation and experience.

Sukkot teaches us happiness. On this holiday, we don't celebrate by sitting in a fancy hall with crystal chandeliers and beautifully adorned tables. Instead, we eat in a flimsy hut that can hardly last more than seven days. It is in this simple hut that we find true happiness.

Coming from Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur we have discovered a new focus. We have recommitted ourselves to a life of meaning and purpose. With this refreshed perspective on life and its mission, we can truly celebrate even in a simple hut.

Shabbat Shalom and Gut Yontif with Love & Light,

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos 

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