
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

Walking the walk: when talking the talk isn’t enough

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Walking the walk: when talking the talk isn’t enough 

Dear Friends,

"The honeymoon is over" - how often have we had that anticlimactic sensation when the excitement and romance of an event have passed, and we are faced with the daily nitty gritty and often, at first glance, monotonous incidents in life.

So it is in the Torah: after the thrilling pomp and circumstance of the revelation at Mount Sinai, we settle in to the often tedious, day-to-day events. The reality of life is, we are not always surrounded by a brass band and a party-like atmosphere. We may have our time under the chuppah to dream and marvel at the promise of true and everlasting love only to wake up to the eye-opening reality of “ Who left the cap off the toothpaste” and living in close quarters with another individual and perhaps realizing how little we really know about his or her personality or character. That’s when we set the honeymoon aside as a lovely memory and get down to the joyous laws for daily life.
Judaism is about how we live each day. It’s not just our actions in coming to a synagogue and how we act there, it’s how we live daily. Most people have the capacity to spend a few hours weekly ‘walking the walk and talking the talk’, but how do they behave the rest of the time? It may surprise you to know that Judaism was never meant to be centered around the synagogue, it is a guide to how we behave at home, how we treat our spouse, family and friends, how we treat the poor and how we seek justice in all areas.

This is why immediately following the honeymoon at Mount Sinai, we needed to address our daily lives with Mitzvot, because this is where the magic happens.

Oh we do need the synagogue, trust me on this, along with and in addition to our daily behavior, because it gives us inspiration and empowers us to carry through with our resolutions. We hear from so many people who attend that joining us on Shabbat and throughout the year boosts them to living life at the fullest. We are never alone, surrounded by extended family with similar goals and feelings for Israel.

As we meet with Ambassador Danny Danon tomorrow,  Monday, February 18th, we show our support for Israel, built by people who sacrifice on a daily basis so that all of us have a homeland. Part of ‘walking the walk’ is offering our daily strength and support for events like this.
With love and blessings,
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos


An Evening of Solidarity and Support

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Dear Friends,


On Monday, February 18, Chabad of Naples is pleased to offer an evening with Ambassador Danny Danon, Israel’s permanent representative to the United Nations. There will be a cocktail reception at 3:30 pm followed by a talk at 5. 


Here is your opportunity to gain accurate information from a reliable source, in these unsettling times. The growing BDS movement, and widespread anti-Israel sentiment in the news and on college campuses and beyond, leads to confusion about Israel's stance in the international realm; we need answers.


Chabad Naples is proud to present “An Ongoing Beacon of Hope in the Middle East", where Ambassador Danon will share his experience representing Israel and outline our role in helping to shape policy, offer support, and unite with Israel. Following his speech there will be a question and answer period which promises to be lively. 


In 2015 Ambassador Danny Danon was appointed Israel’s 17th Permanent Representative to the United Nations. Danon was born in Israel, completed his IDF service with the rank of Lieutenant. He holds a B.A. in International Relations, F.I.U. (Magna Cum Laude), an M.A. Public Policy and Public Administration from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and also studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Law School. He is married and the father of three.  


He served as Chairman of World Likud, a Member of the Jewish Agency Board of Governors, a Member of the Zionist Executive of W.I.Z.O., and Chairman of the World Betar Executive. As a member of the Knesset from February 2009 until August 2015, he served as Deputy Speaker of the 18th Knesset, as Chair of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, and as a member of the Labor, Welfare and Health Committee; House, Constitution, Law and Justice, Foreign Affairs and Defense, Education, Culture, and Sports Committee, and Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs, as well as on the Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality. Danon was Deputy Minister of Defense from March 2013 until July 2014. In May of 2015 he was appointed Minister of Science, Technology, and Space, serving until his appointment in August 2015 as Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations.


With his multi-faceted background, Danon is well equipped to answer our questions and offer possible recommendations.


Israel is our miracle! In order for it to continue with G-d doing his part, we must be willing to participate as well.


To purchase Tickets, sponsorship and further information please visit our minisite by clicking here


Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

Will it be the Patriots or the Rams?

Dear Friends,   
This upcoming Sunday, tens of millions of people will tune in to watch the Super Bowl. Who will it be, the Patriots or the Rams?  
Regardless of who you may be rooting for, it’s a good time to learn some spiritual lessons from the game. As the Baal Shemtov teaches us that there is a lesson in everything we see and hear!  
So let’s dig in! In the game there are two sides, each side really wants to win. - In our existence, we each possess two opposing forces within, the ‘animal’ and the ‘Divine’, each one wants to win!
Here are some suggested lessons:

There are a number of ways to accomplish the goal.
"winning" takes a lot of smarts, cunning and planning. - Our dark side is sharp!
Keep your eye on the ball.
You have to study your opponent and be prepared.
If the other side gets the upper hand don't despair - as long as there's time there's hope.
You need to use your head but sometimes it's your legs that get it done.
A positive attitude is key.
You're not alone, it's a team effort.
When you win it makes all the hard work worth it.
A good coach makes all the difference!

With blessings for a warm and peaceful Shabbat

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

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