
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

Happiness is right here

Dear Friends,

A priest, a minister, and a rabbi walk into a bar...

Have you ever heard the beginning of a joke, listened carefully as the drama unfolded, and then right before the end, the teller stops the joke? Pretty frustrating, no? You got hooked in, carried away, excited, in suspense, and then... where's the punchline? 

Well, over the last few weeks, you prayed, you fasted, you ate in a Sukkah, you did the shake... and now it's time to celebrate! You see, the entire season of Holidays is a series of steps leading to the climax, Simchat Torah, when we celebrate the intrinsic value and our core-connection to Torah and to G-d

Join us on Monday evening October 21, 6:45pm  for Hakafot, dancing,
delicious foods, buffet and L'chayim!

Dancing and rejoicing with the Torah is specifically done when the Torah is closed. When the Torah is opened to be read, we each find ourselves at a very different level that displays our own personal understanding and connection to the Torah. When the Torah is closed however, there is only one way to comprehend the beauty of G-d's gift to His beloved people, and in this, we are all equal. The celebration will not be complete without you! Bring friends and the entire family!

Simchat Torah also reminds us it is the season of rejoicing and being happy. The prime message is that happiness is right here, in this very moment, if you are paying attention and exercise gratitude.

You don't have to chase after extraordinary moments to find joy! When you come home from work, you see your wife anew, as though it was your wedding day. You see your children anew, like the day they were born.

Join with your whole family on Monday night for Simchas Torah Live. Buffet Dinner; Torah's & Treats for the Children;
Memories that will last a lifetime; All are welcome - No charge
Wishing you a truly joyous Chag Sameach!

 Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos 



Do we see the challenge as a nightingale....or lunch?

Dear Friends,  
It was amazing spending such a meaningful and inspiring Rosh Hashanah with over 400 friends. We hope you found the services inspiring and uplifting.

This is what Chabad of Naples is all about: A place that offers an open door, an open mind and an open heart to each and everyone who walks through our doors, regardless of their level of religious knowledge or observance.
Looking forward to seeing you all for Yom Kippur Services!
Until then, as we continue to contemplate our actions of the past year in preparation for Yom Kippur, perhaps we can dedicate ourselves to some little improvements  and resolutions just by considering minor changes to how we observe what is around us, by reading this short tale.

A peasant once did a special favor for his beloved King. Wanting to repay the peasant, the king decided to give him a unique gift: a nightingale that sang the sweetest songs a human could hear.
A short while later, the king summoned the peasant and asked how he was enjoying the gift.
The peasant answered, "In truth, your Majesty, the meat was a little tough, but it tasted okay in a stew with potatoes."
Life's obstacles and responsibilities are like that bird. The question is:
Do we see the challenge as a nightingale....or lunch?
As we look inward on Yom Kippur, we need to recognize that introspection is a necessary guide to life; but life itself, with all its curveballs, is what is meaningful.
Yom Kippur is only one day a year. Shabbat is only one day a week. And we pray for a limited time every day.
That’s the dream.
The rest is life.
Dealing with life is where our Torah values come into play. We need to recognize our nightingales.
And let them sing.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos



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