
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

one soul kindles another."

 Dear Friends,  

Thank you to all of you who joined us for Rosh Hashanah services.  

It was amazing spending such a meaningful and inspiring Rosh Hashanah with this amazing community. 

Over 500 women, men and children walked through our doors on Rosh Hashanah.

We hope you found the services inspiring and uplifting.

Thank you for being part of the wonderful welcoming and joyous energy of our Shul. 

This is what Chabad of Naples is all about: A place that offers an open door, an open mind and an open heart to each and everyone who walks through our doors, regardless of their level of religious knowledge or observance.

Please reach out to a friend or relative who may not have plans for Yom Kippur and invite them to accompany you to Chabad. You'll have a mitzvah! "As one flame lights another, one soul kindles another."

We look forward to observing this very special and holy day with you. We wish you an easy fast and a most meaningful Yom Kippur, setting the stage for an inspired year ahead.

Shabbat Shalom, and Gmar Chatima Tovah - May you be "sealed" for a good year!

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

Arthur Seigel, President

From our family to yours

Dear Friends,

As we prepare to usher in the New Year or 5779, we send our best wishes, from the depths of our hearts, to you and your loved ones for an amazing 5779. 

May it be a year overflowing with all of G-d Al-Mighty’s blessings of health, happiness, prosperity, and everything that is good, both materially and spiritually. 

We are honored to be part of this united, empowered, and innovative Chabad Naples community. You have given us the privilege of a lifetime.  

Thank you for the past fifteen years of growth and friendship. We are truly blessed!

As we head into the Jewish New Year, we take some time to stop and reflect on the multitude of blessings of this past year.     

At Chabad of Naples, each time we dip an apple in honey, the sweetness and blessings of the New Year will transmit to you, our dear friends who surround us with love and blesings, whether you are here in body or just in spirit. With your family, know that you have touched our lives and we are so deeply grateful for the many mitzvot and support and support from you.  

We will be praying for you and looking forward to either being with you in the coming days, or welcoming you back to your Chabad Naples family.   

May you gather the sweetness of the New Year, blessings and good health as we join together to spread the light one mitzvah at a time.

From our family to yours, wishing you a prosperous and sweet new year filled with health, joy and blessings.    

Shanah Tovah!

Rabbi Fishel, Ettie Zaklos, Mendel, Yitzi, Chaya & Hinda Zaklos


Take time to call someone - The power of connecting is infinite

Dear Friends, 
Rosh Hashanah is a mere three days away. Everyone is sending Shanah Tova cards, Shanah Tova emails, WhatsApp messages and even making old fashion telephone calls. Is this just a cultural nicety, a pleasant civil formality or is there something deeper to this practice?

The great Chasidic master Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch once said to his son:

"People think that blessings need to come from a great righteous person, however, it is not so.  Even blessings from a regular person are of great valuable and effectiveness. Hundreds of angels wait on Rosh Hashanah for individuals to say positive things to each other (a reference to the custom of wishing Shanah Tov to each other after prayers on Rosh Hashanah services)."

When we wish each other a good year we are not just being formal - we are doing something extremely powerful. With each blessing (even from simple people) comes the power of the soul which is unlimited and strong. We generate tremendous positive energy and influence the flow of blessing that comes down on Rosh Hashanah.

So in the next few days, take time to call someone we haven't called for a while, reach out to someone you had a problem with in the past, help someone that maybe is not in your circle of friendship. The power of connecting to each other is infinite.

In that spirit may we take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Shanah Tova U'metuka - a good and sweet year, a year filled with happiness, blessing, success, naches and all good things. May this year be a year of growth, a year of prosperity, a year of peace and serenity in Israel and beyond.

Shabbat Shalom and Shanah Tovah with Love & Light,

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos 

The reunion was complete.

Dear Friends, 

Rosh Hashanah is a multi-layered, spiritual time when we focus and pray earnestly and fervently to G-d. At this juncture, we share that which is deepest within our hearts. Our sages teach us that during these auspicious days, our collective voice, Koleinu, resonates more profoundly than at any other time of the year.
Yet, shouldn’t we be asking G-d to listen to our prayers alone rather than our voice? Why emphasize the voice – a simple vehicle that articulates our innermost feelings and aspirations?
The Chasidic master, the Baal Shem Tov, tells of a king who had an only son. While his progeny was well-educated, he was also over-indulged. The king hoped his beloved son would follow a righteous, noble path and eventually rule the kingdom. However, the son chose to associate with shady characters, company that didn’t befit a child of royalty with responsibilities.
The prince rebelled and sought adventure far away from his palatial residence of birth. He mindlessly wandered from town to town, all-the-while becoming more estranged and detached from his previous life. His clothing became tattered, his features weathered – he was, for all intents and purposes, unrecognizable.
Years passed. The former prince suffered greatly and ruminated over his stubborn, self-imposed exile. He regretted his behavior and decided to return to his father, the king, to seek forgiveness. After many trials and tribulations, the wayward son fell to his knees and pleaded to be granted permission to see his royal parents.
Entry denied. In desperation, the prince shouted and cried, “Father, if you can’t identify my face or any features, surely you still recognize my voice - that hasn’t changed!” The king heard the commotion and did concede it was indeed the voice of his only son, the prince. In a moment of compassion and love, the reunion was complete.
It is this authentic voice that we offer Hashem over the High Holy Days. It is our signature identity that runs deeper than anything material we may casually or deliberately throw on. There is no disguising it.
By collectively raising our voices, we entreat our Father in Heaven to grant us a Shana Tovah U’metukah – a happy and sweet New Year!

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos 
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