People needed help and other people came to help them.
Sometimes it takes adversity to force us to open our minds and our hearts and accept, that in G-d’s eyes we are one!
All I need to say is: 12 Boys. You know exactly what I am talking about!
Imagine how you would have felt if one of your children had been caught in the caves in Thailand.
Imagine how you would have felt, if you were one of those children or the coach, in a dark cave without enough food or water, or any hope of being rescued.
Imagine how you would have felt if you were one of the divers or part of the team sent to rescue them under such hopeless circumstances.
Today we heard the amazing news that all of the boys and their coach are now safe. Only some of the rescuers and divers from the team still remain in the caves.
How many times were relatives and friends about to give up hope?
How frightened and abandoned must the children have felt?
How many challenges and setbacks did the rescue team face, until they broke through for the first time?
It’s all about faith, courage, teamwork and technology.
As people came forward from all over the world, offering personal skills as well as technology, there was no question about age, gender, race, nationality or any other divisive identity element — ‘people’ needed help and other people came to help them.
The rescue was nothing short of a miracle and as we thank G-d for hearing our prayers, our thoughts are with the family of the courageous Navy SEAL who lost his life in the effort.
Volunteers from countries all over the world participated in this effort, and Israeli technology contributed by supplying special underground communications units.
Sometimes it takes adversity to force us to open our minds and our hearts and accept, that in G-d’s eyes we are one