
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

A beautiful outpouring of love from our Naples Mishpacha!

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Dear Friends, 


What a beautiful outpouring of love and friendship at our son Yitzi's bar mitzvah! It was so heartwarming to Ettie and me to see once again how the Chabad Naples community is family. And thank you for the tremendous feedback; it means so much to us when you celebrate with us in our joy- we look forward to reciprocating!
There are so many levels to celebrating a Simcha. The Joy. The Nachas. The intense gladness of heart. Of course the heartfelt gratitude to Hashem and to so many.


What truly makes a Simcha complete, is the fact that it can be shared - with family and friends. This is a precious gift that can not be overestimated. It takes the joy and the Nachas to an altogether higher degree.


We are privileged that our families are dispersed around the world - literally - doing holy and special work. We are also privileged to have family geographically close. And we are equally privileged to have so many dear friends in our community. Friends that have become family - everyone of you close to our hearts.


This is a milestone Simcha in our lives - the Bar Mitzvah of our dear son Yitzi. Our hearts' are simply bursting with joy.


Thank you all for making our Simcha complete.


In the Torah portion Yitzi will read this week, G-d told Abraham to leave his family and everything with which he was familiar and to make a fresh start. Fifteen years ago, we also stepped out of our comfort zone when we left everything and everyone behind in New York and came to Naples, Florida. How fortunate we are and thank G-d every day that we came to be part of the most caring and loving Chabad Naples family, and that so many of you were able to join us for this landmark occasion. Many of you shared Yitzi’s birth 13 years ago, and now many of you have celebrated this important milestone in his life. 
It’s another beginning for Yitzi, as he proceeds with his studies and will continue to read from the Torah for us.


May we, as a family, always share these wonderful simchas with each other.


Shabbat Shalom


Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos


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