Sharing the Wonder in the Familiar
How refreshing it was on Monday of this week, when so many people seemed united, concentrating one one uplifting event: the eclipse. Throughout the country people were handing out the special glasses to share with each other, their friends, and others to witness the event.
The atmosphere was one of happy sharing and excitement as everyone looked heavenward, concentrating on the major event in the sky.
For at least an hour we were all looking up, not down at the world and each other.
For a least an hour, we were able to set our differences aside to marvel and rejoice in this wonderful world we inhabit together.
For at least an hour, we shared the fascinating, beautiful world of science and nature.
For at least an hour, we were happy and willing to share a wonderful experience.
What a joyous world this would be, if we created and made a little effort to carry moments like this forward in our lives. We don’t need an eclipse: daily we have the reality of exciting sunsets and inspiring sunrises, possibly the excitement of dazzling and noisy thunderstorms, and perhaps the glory of a colorful rainbow. Let’s take the time to look around us, appreciate what we may take for granted, and share it with each other.