Dear Friends,
Thank you so much to all for taking the time to send special feedback via calls, e-mails, and Facebook replies for the words I shared about my brother. It really meant so much to me and to my family. May we be there for each others' Simchas, G-d willing.
It's always amazing how Chabad Naples doesn’t slows down when traffic becomes lighter and the cars start rolling north after Passover. At Chabad Naples the season is a warm up for our busy summer.
It's VERY long:) If you need a coffee in the middle, please don't hesitate to grab one.
We hope you had an incredible holiday and are ready to celebrate with us: coming up May 4th is our special opportunity say thank you to our dear and precious Chabad and Preschool of the Arts partners, for your ongoing support and partnership in all that we do here at the world famous Chabad Naples. We realize that many of you are out of town as it is the end of the season, but this is one of our small ways to say thank you in person and for us to genuinely say thank you with an intimate Heimishe evening with great food, cocktails, a few (VERY short) speeches. We look forward to seeing all of you — and if you have already flown north, please know that you are in our minds and hearts.
If you have not yet renewed or you are just planning your partner project participation, please visit our website or call- it means a lot to the precious children and the community, that we may continue our work.
In addition to joining the Partnership Project, you may want to consider planned giving. We started this special way of being able to ensure and continue the valuable and meaningful investment in continuity for generations to come. To learn more about the Planned Giving Society please visit our website or arrange a meeting with Rabbi Fishel.
We have much to be thankful for and in the coming days will be showing our appreciation in different ways:
May 2 is Teacher Appreciation Day, a special time to recognize and thank those who give their hearts and souls every day to the children and who make Preschool of the Arts so unique.
We are also looking forward to two graduations:
Hebrew School Graduation – our 13th year! It is so exciting to see how children who began not reading Hebrew walk away being confident masters.
May 26th is Pre-K Graduation. It's amazing how this is our 6th year of preschool and as the children graduate and move on, the schools that they attend afterwards say how they are so advanced.
If you would like to join us at this event, send us an e-mail we will be happy to reserve a spot for you.
On June 5th the spectacular Summer of the Arts and Camp Gan begins! We are almost full but now is the time to register for the few remaining paces for a unique summer. Check out the calendars for every day full of fun at
Here is a wonderful opportunity to help a chid have a great summer plus contribute to the scholarship fund for one session or the whole summer or to the general fund.
NEW!!! You may have heard, we are about to open a Toddler Class! This is huge — we are offering a full five-day program for our new 12-18 month old children next year. It is our goal that these young toddlers adjust smoothly to the school environment and feel safe and comfortable in their preschool setting. To achieve this at their developmental age, it is crucial to have the continuity of coming every day. Children thrive on routine, and the regularity of daily attendance sets them up for success. In addition, we are keeping the size of the class small, so that the teachers can give the children a lot of love and attention without bouncing between the 2-day, 3-day and 5-day roster of children. This is key for us to create a solid, stable, loving environment where these young children form a real bond with their teachers.
We will start construction and renovation for this project soon, without disturbing the current programs BUT we do need help. If you are interested in assisting with this additional classroom or wish to dedicate it in honor of someone, please reach out to Ettie or Rabbi Fishel.
All of this, while we still continue with our ongoing programs and doing Mitzvot in the community.
And don’t forget — Preschool of the Arts and Hebrew School registration are in full swing.
Wishing you all a safe and beautiful Shabbat,
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos