
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, post Cyber Monday

Has everyone  -- or everyone’s pocket --recovered from the great sales of Thanksgiving, post Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, post Cyber Monday, and all the commotion? You don’t have to be a retail giant to know that  at this time of year the focus is on  ‘getting’. People tend to spend a lot, and a lot of it goes both to themselves and to other people, who possibly are not in need.

Well, today is Giving Tuesday, and before you sigh and shrug it off, consider this: many are asking for donations for their org., and many of these are worthwhile, dedicated community organizations devoted to helping those who need it.  There are many aspects to giving. Take a few minutes today to think about ‘giving’ - does someone need a call and would he benefit from a few encouraging words?

All around the globe people are giving back to the causes they love. While Judaism teaches that every day is the right day for charity, we at Chabad of Naples are excited to take part in this awe-inspiring movement to celebrate the giving season.


Happy #GivingTuesday friends! To many, many more!

 Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos 


Why Should We Be Thankful


Why Should We Be Thankful?

Simply thinking about what we have could lead to our feeling thankful and truly uplifted when we consider family, friends, food and shelter - clean air, clean water to drink and electricity - the ability to enjoy physical activity - the recovery from illness. Just thinking about these things that we usually take for granted, or being without them for a while, could lead to a deeper appreciation and understanding of what we have when they are returned to us.  

Instead of regret for what we don’t have, we can arise each morning with joy, take a deep breath and marvel at the fresh air of freedom, and observe the many shades of green on the foliage as the sun rises to touch each piece.  We can visit a beach and hear the swish and lap of waves on the shore; we can watch the different shapes of clouds  moving across the sky and rejoice in them instead of obsessing over what we can no longer do now that we could do with ease when we were younger. We should relish and be grateful for what is still available and accessible to us.
We can open our minds and then open our hearts to all the good things with which G-d has surrounded us, instead of asking why we should be grateful. Then, let us ask ourselves why we celebrate Thanksgiving Day only once a year.
Happy Thanksgiving
Rabbi Fishel Zaklos 

Our hearts and prayers

Our hearts and prayers

Dear Friends, 
Our hearts and prayers continue to go out to the people of New York City, and to the families of innocent victims and the injured, following another terrorist attack on Tuesday. 
An attack on the citizens of the city, or any Americans or innocent people anywhere, is an attack on our freedoms and the values of decency we hold so dear.
We salute our first responders who were on the scene so quickly, preventing further damage. How admirable that the people managed to carry on, showing such grit and courage under the circumstances.
We must continue to champion that goodness to bring light onto others during difficult times. We will not let terror take over our lives or threaten our way of living. "A little bit of light dispels a lot of darkness." - The Rebbe
With love and blessings,
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos
Ettie's Facebook post: 
I'm heartbroken to hear about today's terror attack in New York City that has taken too many innocent lives in such a horrible Way 😞 .
I just spoke with my mother who was in Manhattan at the time of the attack and is thank G-d safe. 
I'm proud to be a New Yorker and the city will forever be one of my favorite places in the world. 
When I see New York's finest, our great first responders, and the kind responses of everyday Americans to such an assault on our society, I am reminded of the essential goodness of people. We will not let terror take over our lives or threaten our way of living. 
My thoughts and prayers are with the innocent victims and their families during this painful time.


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