
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

This year the story resonates strongly with us

Dear Friends,

We are all familiar with the story of Noah and the flood, and how Noah was saved by entering the Ark. This year the story resonates strongly with us as we think of many people still enduring so many hardships as they try to rebuild their lives and in some cases, merely survive. We pray that Hashem gives everyone the strength to continue. 

With Hurricane Irma we realized just what a flood meant and how frightening it could be. But on an emotional level, the raging waters can also represent the pressures of life and how they can sometimes inundate and overwhelm us: the mortgage, bills, the daily grind, external and internal circumstances, When these forces become overwhelming, the Torah gives us guidance, encouraging us to enter the Ark, or in other words, just enter a space of holiness, a place of Torah and prayer, a warm community, a place where others will greet you with love. 

Over the past 14 years, people have expressed to us that at the Naples Chabad family they have found a place where they have felt uplifted, where people care. 

As Ettie and I just celebrated our anniversary, we looked back on a few months after our marriage when we came to Naples as newlyweds. Together with all of you we created this beautiful ark, journeying life together we have created a beautiful family full of love and joy. 

As a family we laugh and cry together, we celebrate simchas and support each other in difficult times.

Water can also signify the refreshing and renewing passage of life. How significant that this week we are also celebrating the baby naming of Art and Ellen Siegel’s granddaughter. How special to share these unique moments of new beginnings. Mazal Tov to Daniel & Lindsay and to the entire Mishpacha.

With love and blessings,

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

Simchat Torah Message

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Dear Friends,

These holidays remind us it is the season of rejoicing and being happy. The prime message is that happiness is right here, in this very moment, if you are paying attention and exercise gratitude.
You don’t have to chase after extraordinary moments to find joy! When you see your children, it’s as if they were just born. When you see your spouse, it's as if  it’s your wedding day. With that in mind, let's come together and join for a joyous social evening on Simchat Torah to dance, celebrate and say L’chaim for this very special moment, AND a delicious buffet! 
All are welcome to come and celebrate with us at Chabad on Thursday evening at 7 PM. RSVP required. [email protected]
Celebrate with people who really know how!
• Delicious dinner buffet
• Children program ~ Torah & treats for Children
• Simchat Torah flags
* Memories that will last a lifetime
* All are welcome - No charge RSVP required 

Gold Sponsors:

Trish Adkins

Dr. David Greene & Denise Altman

Torah, Crown & Gold Sponsorships available  


For more information, or to be a sponsor contact the Jewish Center at 239-262-4474 or email [email protected]
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos 


Enjoy NOW!

Dear Friends,

Here we are in the midst of Sukkot, a very special holiday when "we celebrate the beauty of things that don't last”.
What exactly does that mean, and how do we do that?
For eight days we sit in a temporary hut decorated by Preschool of the Arts students and eat, celebrate, schmooze, and ponder the message of Sukkot: enjoy NOW! Life is a temporary dwelling that is full of wonderful things, but don’t hesitate, don't wait, don't take anyone or anything for granted — enjoy now!
This is an opportunity for us to shout out loud as both Ettie and I wish you all blessings! We don't take anything for granted, so I say to Hashem as I sit in the sukkah, “Thank you for my family, my extended Chabad Naples family, and the Preschool family.”
The sukkah/hut will be dismantled in eight days. The ripe fruits that adorn the sukkah will spoil if you don't eat them right away. Our friends and family may not be here as long as we wish, so Sukkot reminds us not to take for granted all the wonderful people and things that surround us each day, but to immerse ourselves in them and give thanks for being allowed to be a part of them.
With love and blessings,
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos 

Praying for Vegas


Dear Friends, 

Our thoughts, prayers and hearts are open and one with all the victims and their families of the mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday night. Nothing can explain or justify the murder of innocence. A little light dispels darkness and love triumphs hate. During the shooting, hundreds of brave citizens risked their own lives and ran into harm's way to assist the wounded and help total strangers. First responders acted bravely and quickly to save lives and stop the carnage. Thousands of fellow Americans have offered blood and millions stand united with love and support of Las Vegas and everyone affected. May G-d give strength and comfort to the victim's families and loved ones. 

With heavy hearts Ettie and I continue sending love, prayers, and condolences to the survivors for their losses, as the toll of precious lives climbs.

With the loss of each soul, a precious light is extinguished here on earth.
We can only hope to bring the light of reason and learning to comfort each other in a world of darkness. Surely each of us can appreciate the intensified need to bring the light of human kindness to illuminate our saddened world.

Please, take a moment to say a chapter of Psalms , speak to G-d and ask Him to heal the hearts that have been broken, the lives that have been shattered and the fractures in our society. By adding in kindness and good deeds, may goodness prevail over evil and may we know of no more pain and suffering...
We hope everyone had a good and meaningful Yom Kippur and we have been sealed for good blessings and health! What a High Holiday season! High Holidays 5778 was our most exhilarating one yet. All the preparation. All the praying. All the logistics. All the spirituality. All the people. All the meals. All the sitting. All the hellos and goodbyes. All the standing. We had beautiful services, there was strong prayer energy and great spiritual vitality felt by all. We are now getting ready for the start of the Sukkot holiday, which begins tonight. Sukkot is the time to feast and rejoice! 
While High Holidays 5777 is now a thing of the past, hopefully the inspiration is not. 

Please see all our Sukkot Events and Services below, We hope to see you.

Happy Sukkot!
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos 
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