This week we have the privilege of sending greetings from the holy land of Israel. From the minute we stepped off the plane we were overcome by a wide variety of thoughts and emotions — just to be able to touch, hear, and taste this incredible land as a family! We will endeavor to share some of this unique experience with our Naples community.
It has been so special to experience this trip with the children: preparing them to visit the holy sites, all the lessons and the history that they learned back home coming to life.
In the past few years between the time when camp finishes until preschool starts up again with teacher training, there are two weeks usually when we go to NY where Ettie’s parents are and Detroit where my parents are, to spend some quality time with family. A few months ago I was honored to officiate at a Bar Mitzvah in Israel and I returned with a burning desire to bring the family there to instill in them a love for Israel, the Jewish people, and give them the great experience of seeing the place about which we constantly speak. This year, in honor of Mendel’s upcoming Bar Mitzvah, we decided it would be the perfect time to take the family to Israel.
The first destination was the Western Wall where throughout our history it has been our special place, sacred for prayer. We requested special blessings for our special Naples community. As I rocked back and forth davening, I quickly realized how deeply embedded it is in my genes: Israel rocks too! Just touching those ancient stones and seeing Jews from every corner of the world was moving, but watching our children absorb the moment was the best, and will remain with us and them. What a nation —what a history! In just one day we were able to give them a ‘ crash course’, by going to the Kotel. The first thing we did was pray with the kids, then we went to the tunnels where you can realize how magnificent the Western Wall really is. Then we went to pray at the graves of King David and Samuel. From these places you can see almost all of Jerusalem-- what an incredible sight! As it says in Psalms, Jerusalem is surrounded by mountains and is simply powerful in its magnificence.
After a long day we decided to go to Ben Yehudah Street which is lined with restaurants and shops since it’s high season it was pretty full. As we were walking through the street all of sudden we heard singing, and there was a canopy with people dancing with the Torah: and literally all the people stopped whatever they were doing and danced away with the Torah and sang. I looked around for a bit and realized there were Jews from all walks of life, young old, and then there were Christians and Muslims all dancing and singing together. This is the Jerusalem we saw and it was AMAZING! This is the most beautiful place. This is what the world needs to see, this what Jerusalem is all about: unity, love, happiness, joy — young, old, everyone dancing the night away. I joined in the dancing with Yitzi and we just kissed the Torah, sang songs and then continued walking.
Words fail me, trying to describe the inspiration of those few hours. It wasn't an itinerary, it wasn't an entertainment, it wasn’t scheduled — this is just the mood here in Israel in Jerusalem, where you walk in the morning on the same soil as our ancestors and the place is rich with meaning so you take the same footsteps as our prophets and then in the afternoon and night we are creating the future, holding hands with our brothers and sisters, uniting with the world. In a world that is so dark and divided we found love and unity among all. This is something our children will never forget and this is something we all need.
And then came our visit to the fortress of Masada. We didn’t walk up but climbed down, which was pretty tough for us-:) Masada is a symbol of Jewish resistance, heroism, and devotion. We davened and prayed there and told the kids and Mendel especially, since it is before his bar mitzvah — however you think about it, when the Jews looked down the mountain and every day as their enemy tried to capture them, they occupied themselves with a shul to pray and Torah scrolls to study. I explained to our children while we connect to this history and stand on the special soil we are able to walk in freedom. May we always feel connected; may you never waiver in standing up for your convictions.
But with all the history, how could we not feel Am Yisroel chai? In Jerusalem and throughout the country you see the past, present, and future from the children singing in streets to the IDF soldiers. I am completely filled with awe and respect for these incredible people who, in spite of the odds, have such determination, hope and resilience.
This week we have been blessed to see the light of Yerushalyim: may we bring this light to all our homes.
We send you blessings of love and joy from Israel and let it spread throughout. As the psalmist says, see the goodness of Jerusalem when you chisel the diamond and find beauty: we saw it!
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos