Israel Calling? Positively!
Purim Message
I recently returned from a trip to our beloved Holy Land. It was my honor and privilege to officiate at the bar mitzvah of Jake Masters, the son of dear friends. This memorable event took place at the Western Wall, one of Judaism’s holiest sites.
Although a short trip, it afforded me an opportunity to connect with the land so near and dear to our hearts. I utilized some time to bring regards and support from our Chabad Naples community to the military men and women who sacrifice their lives daily to protect our land and our people.
My goal was to inspire them: I left inspired.
In spite of the horrors of terror attacks they remain dedicated to their mission and goal; in spite of threats they remain faithful, optimistic and joyful; it is truly uplifting to witness. On one hand there is an awareness that threats lurk not only on borders but also within the country; on the other hand, one goes about daily life working, celebrating, singing and dancing as if there isn’t a worry in the world.
So I ask: what is their secret? How do they maintain this joy for life?
Actually, it’s our heritage. We have survived a history of close calls and being under attack.
We have just celebrated the holiday of Purim, when once again the Jewish people were threatened by an evil tyrant who had been close to achieving his goal of their total annihilation. Then he met some school children and asked them, “What have you learned today?”
They responded, “Do not fear… their schemes will be foiled because
G-d is with us!”
Spoiler alert! We know the end of the story: the tables are turned on the evil Haman and Mordechai wins.
The greatest miracle of Purim is that facing threats on their lives, the children did not waver in their faith.
My father had an oft-repeated Yiddish expression, especially when things didn’t seem to go the right way: Tracht gut vet zein gut. It means, “Think positively, and it will turn out well!”
It may sound like a platitude or banal but we have learned that positive thinking and optimistic attitudes can affect the outcome of a situation. The children knew: the end of that movie had not been written. We are the authors of this production, and with our positive attitudes, we can create a happy and positive outcome!
The Megillah states the Purim story must not just be remembered but also re-enacted. This tells us to apply this optimistic lifestyle to our daily lives as well.
In Israel, I observed this ideal being put into practice. Amazingly, not only are they thinking positively, they are living positively. "Positive thinking generates positive feelings and attracts positive life experiences." A recent report listed Naples at the top of the list as the happiest and healthiest community out of 190 U.S. cities polled.
“Residents there have the lowest levels of stress in the country... Many of them like their daily activities and enjoy an intellectually lively culture…” the report states.
As a proud Neapolitan I challenge you: let’s live up to our reputation while learning from our heritage and our brethren in Israel to have a positive attitude and create positive results with happiness, peace and prosperity for all.
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