Dear Friends,
The fourth night of Chanukah is upon us! The menorah's tiny flame flickering in the darkness symbolizes the victory of light over darkness; that at the end of the day good will prevail!
In the midst of these confusing times, Chanukah arrives just on time, with its message of light, hope and optimism. Let us celebrate this Chanukah with even more joy and pride than ever before. Let us renew our faith and optimism, and recommit ourselves to bring our own light to the world; the light of Torah and mitzvahs, the light of goodness and kindness, which will dispel the darkness of evil and shine forth the glory of everything that's good and G-dly.
Chabad of Naples is celebrating 13 years of Outdoor Chanukah Festivals! We can't wait to see everyone tonight!
The highlight, as always, will be a special performance by our very own Naples Preschool of the Arts and Hebrew School students. There will be plenty of chocolate themed activities, incredible booths, delicious food, live music, a BUBBLE SHOW, and so many exciting activities for children of all ages. We are honored that Naples Mayor Bill Barnett will be lighting the Chocolate Menorah. The event is FREE and open to the entire community, so bring your friends!
The Menorah is traditionally kindled in the evening, a time when the glow of the flames will illuminate the world around it. The famous Jewish saying that "a little light dispels a lot of darkness", is true all year round, but is especially true as we light the Menorah. The beautiful lights of the Menorah and the eternal message of G-d's protection of the Jewish people, of the bravery of the few standing up for what is right, continue to have meaning and value thousands of years after the story first occurred.
The world has lots of challenges and issues that need resolving, including the war and terrible tragedy that is going on in Syria, the terrorism that has been happening every few weeks in Europe, the bitter bias at the UN which saw hundreds of Anti Israel resolutions passed in the last few years including one this past Friday afternoon and just eight against the Syrian crisis, sickness and diseases, prejudices of all other kinds, and a host of other issues and problems.
Yet then comes the light of Chanukah, and it reminds us that to win darkness, you don't always need to be the majority to be right and succeed, instead we need to increase in our own determination to increase in spiritual light, both in our own home and lives and also in the world around us and doing so can change the world for the good. When that happens, we will light up, inspire and beautify the world around us, be a source of encouragement to ourselves and others to be forces of goodness and kindness, and slowly but surely dispel the darkness that is out there and make the world a much better and brighter place.
It happens one candle at a time, one Mitzvah at a time...
Wishing you a joyful, inspiring and meaningful Chanukah!
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos