
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

Her legacy lives on in the life of her daughter




Dear Friends,

"The righteous live on... As their children are alive, they too live on." -Talmud 

This Shabbos we observe and commemorate the Yartzeit of the Eishet Chayil, Bertha Rivka Rash, of blessed memory.

Her values, ideals, and legacy of Charity and Chesed, kindness and generosity, warmth and openness, live on in the life and deeds of her precious daughter Carol, whose name our campus proudly bears.  

On the day of a passing, the soul rises up, and all the accomplishments shine down onto the earth. On this Yartzeit, we celebrate the life, the legacy and the permanent impact of this amazing woman Bertha Rivka Rash.

May her memory be a blessing to us all.

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

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a building is not as important as the activities


My father used to say that a building is not as important as the activities within it, and when some of our dearest dreams came true on Sunday, January 11; his wise words had special meaning. As we dedicated and cut the ribbon to our newly renovated sanctuary at Chabad of Naples, the brick, mortar, glass and other building materials not only breathed with life but shone as a beacon in the community, energized by the presence of the many who joined us for this landmark Simcha that would not have been possible without the support of many in attendance.  With standing room only, an audience of many ages and religious backgrounds rejoiced to the voice of the cantor and broke into spontaneous dancing to share in the joy. How blessed we are to share in a simcha of this importance! And not a moment too soon: this week's calendar is packed with events from our popular Shabbat services to a Bat Mitzvah, and the future for us, our children, and our descendants is now guaranteed to have a beautiful home and space to celebrate countless Jewish events within the community.  May we always come together here with joy and blessings!

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