
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

Thank you for your generosity and love.

Dear Friends,

No debate. The Chabad of Naples & Preschool Benefit Gala exceeded all expectations! Close to 300 people from all parts of the community came to celebrate the 11th anniversary of the Chabad Jewish Center of Naples and the 4thanniversary of the Preschool of the Arts. And another 150 for the presentation by our keynote speaker Mr. Dan Alon. For all our other supporters who could not be with us on Wednesday evening, thank you for contributing to our momentous growth. Thank you for your generosity and love.

We were touched by all who made the effort to join us at the gala and truly appreciate the thoughtfulness of the many who submitted tribute listings for the Commemorative Scroll and donations to the special projects. It's been most encouraging to see that our community and friends value and appreciate the vital work carried out by Chabad & Preschool.

Congratulations again to our honorees: Ovadiah Roni & Moriah Elias, Benefactor Award; Ellen Goldman Savage & Sam Savage, Leadership Award; and Kathy Abraham , Teacher of Excellence Award.   There are so many people to thank for helping us plan such a wonderful evening that we won’t list them individually by name.   Please know that we are forever grateful to you. The special warmth and love that are the trademark of Chabad Naples & Preschool of the Arts made the evening a most memorable experience for the entire Naples community.

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

Arthur M. Seigel, M.D. 

the pulse of non-stop activity reverberates

Dear Friends,

I am taking this opportunity to ask for your support for our Gala & Journal effort, if you haven’t already sent it in.

From the day that Preschool opens at the beginning of September until the closing of Camp at the end of August, the pulse of non-stop activity reverberates through the Chabad Center. 

Tears wiped from a Preschooler's cheeks, a smile brought to a newcomer's face, inspiration given to a thirsty soul - not a day goes by without the staff at Chabad & Preschool making a meaningful difference in the lives of the men and women, boys and girls of our community.

Now, YOU have the opportunity to take credit for all of those special Mitzvahs. 

Five special people are being honored for their contributions of time, effort and money to make good things happen in our lovely community. Salute them - and the good work they support - and become a part of that work yourself! 

Buy a ticket, a group of tickets for your friends, an ad and join the fun at our Annual Event. 

Remember, "charity - you're not giving it away; it's yours forever".

This is a very important event for Your Chabad & Preschool. We survive and thrive on the basis of free-will giving. It is only through the partnership of friends like you that we are able reach out to all members of our community. We need you! We’ve accomplished so much - by working together. Let’s provide ourselves with the wherewithal to grow yet further - by working together.

I take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support and involvement which are integral to the amazing success story of our Chabad & preschool. Our esteemed honorees and I look forward to receiving your kind response and greeting you personally at our celebration. Thank you in advance for your generosity and may G-d, in turn, bless you with good health, happiness and prosperity.

Sincerely yours,

Rabbi Fishel Zaklos

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