
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

This is what we call real “nachas"

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Dear Friends,

We are honored this week to be rejoicing together with the Schiller family for the celebration of the Bat Mitzvah this Friday evening of their precious daughter Sydney Rachel (Adirah).

She has been with Chabad for the past 6 years and has been my student at Hebrew school for three years.

As we have studied together,  I have watched her absorb the concepts, the letters and words, and she has shown a genuine interest in learning. Her family is very dedicated to education in general and Jewish education, and have given her the greatest gift in life: this special Jewish education. 

Ettie and I  have seen Sydney grow and mature into a modest and gentle young woman in the past few years. She is a true role model for our children, and my wife Ettie and I feel so honored to have gotten to know her.

It is always so gratifying to see a young woman like this reach her spiritual maturity at a Bat mitzvah ceremony and share her amazing mitzvah campaign to bring light to the world. She is such a kind and special girl. What a pleasure it will be when Sydney leads us with Shabbat candle lighting and inspires us with her words from the Torah..

We celebrated her brother's Bar Mitzvah a two years ago and now we are honored to have Sydney's special day -  - the first Bat Mitzvah in our beautiful new sanctuary.
And so, Steve and Robin, as much as you are “kvelling” during these moments, just know that Ettie and I are “kvelling” right along with you!

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

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