Some Historic Evening --
Oh, what a night!
When Chabad Naples celebrated its Tenth Anniversary Year, “An Historic Evening” was the theme. It was historic in more ways than we can ever recall, and for those fortunate enough to attend, it was more than spectacular.
The Ritz-Carlton Tiburon was the perfect setting, once again extending its unique hospitality to present excellent cuisine in fabulous settings. Our thanks to Ed Staros, Vice President and Managing Director of The Ritz-Carlton Resorts of Naples and his wife Tricia for generously serving as Honorary Event Chairmen of the evening.
The indefatigable team of Dr. Arthur (President of Chabad) and Ellen Seigel was simply masterful in pre-planning and in on-the-spot management of every detail. They guided a committee of 36 (double chai!) willing and able people who assisted in helping things run smoothly.
Guests were greeted at the door of the Partners’ Cocktail Reception with beautifully produced informational collages which held photos of the evenings honorees: Liddy and Daniel Sexton for the PreSchool Tribute and Carol Glassman as the Chabad Honoree.
They were guided to meet the Keynote Speaker of the evening, the gracious Mrs. Eva Schloss. They had their photos taken with Mrs. Schloss and were presented with an autographed copy of her latest book, ’Eva’s Story: A Survivor’s Tale by the Stepsister of Anne Frank”.
The air was absolutely vibrating with energy and goodwill as everyone feasted on elegant hors d’oeuvres and enjoyed a heartwarming social hour.
Rabbi Fishel formally opened the evening with a hearty welcome and was followed by Rebbitzin Ettie’s greetings to the family of Chabad Partners. They recalled their first ten years in Naples and how their remarkable success has resulted in their bursting at the seams for space and the need for contributions and funding to enable them to provide the kinds of services needed for the growing community. There are architectural plans ready for future expansion and everyone was asked to consider a pledge.
Rabbi and Ettie spoke with appreciation of the contributions made by Liddy and Daniel Sexton and their ongoing support of Preschool of the Arts, as they presented them with an award.
Dr. Arthur and Ellen Siegel were presented with a token of thanks for their ongoing assistance in co-ordinating the entire evening.
Rabbi Fishel then introduced the 2014 Benefactor/Honoree Carol Glassman, telling how they met, by speaking lovingly with great emotion of her late husband Alex and describing the growth of their ongoing relationship. Rabbi Fishel explained that Carol had not only stepped forward to fund a much-needed classroom for the Preschool in the summer of 2013, but had since decided to accelerate a substantial pledge and donate it to Chabad as soon as possible, rather than as a bequest. The Rabbi and Ettie then presented Carol with a stunning Rosenthal Tzedakah box. In a surprise announcement, he said that Chabad of Naples henceforth would be called “The Alex And Carol Glassman Chabad Naples Jewish Community Center”.
Carol responded with gratitude and thanks, promising, “The best is yet to come.”
The guests were then ushered into a large tent where the crowd swelled to approximately 800, to hear Eva Schloss speak.
First of all, wishing everyone to participate in the great announcement of the evening, with large screens broadcasting the news on either side of the stage, Rabbi Fishel and Ettie introduced Honoree Carol Glassman and presented her with a beautiful piece of art work. Once again, she urged others to follow her lead if possible: “The future is now,” she said, encouraging others to give now rather than wait to leave a bequest. “Rabbi, the best is yet to come!” she promised.
The large audience was composed of local residents as well as a group of students from local schools who were given complimentary tickets to attend the event and have an opportunity to hear history first-hand, from a survivor.
After a brief video which showed not only the horrors of the German invasion and the Holocaust, but the origins of the song “Ani Ma’amin”, there was a tribute by two very fine musicians, a pianist and violinist from the Naples Klezmer Group.
Rabbi Fishel introduced Mrs. Eva Schloss, who was greeted by Naples City Councillor Bill Barnett. He presented Mrs. Schloss with a proclamation and the key to the city.
“You will have trouble getting rid of me,” she quipped, “now that I have the key.”
She spoke in interview format with Tyler Korn, a local attorney.
The air remained charged but in a different way, as silence fell over the audience and barely anyone moved for almost 90 minutes as Eva told her heart-wrenching story of hiding, betrayal, and survival.
Born in Austria but relocated to Holland during the outbreak of World War 2, Eva and her family were neighbors of the family of Anne Frank, and like the Franks, hid from the Nazis for several years until they were betrayed and taken to a concentration camp. Both her father and her brother were killed and she and her mother suffered unbelievable indignities, starving and terror..
Eva was just 15 and emerged after the war with only her mother, scarred by her experiences, and as she relates, with little will to live. A neighbor who had suffered similarly, losing his entire immediate family, helped her to focus on living and to try to see the good in people. That man was Anne Frank’s father, Otto, who later married her mother and thus became her stepfather (and had Anne lived she would have been her stepsister). Otto Frank found his doughter's diary and claimed that it made him feel as if part of her survived.
Eva Schloss had promised us a somewhat happy ending to the story, and learning that she had married, had three daughters and lives in London, was that happy ending.
She then replied to questions from the audience. She is somewhat saddened when she speaks of the senseless brutality and indignities that are still enacted on innocent people today, and reacted with disbelief at recent accounts of books relating to Anne Frank being destroyed in Japanese public libraries. She said she has visited Japan and was always welcomed and people there seemed to honor Anne Frank.
We could all benefit from her final, hopeful words of the evening:
“We all have to work together to create a happy and safe world.”
she said.
The evening ended on a cheerier note as Jamey Turner entertained by playing an assortment of Jewish melodies on his Glass Harp -- a collection of crystal glasses filled with different level of water.
As one guest said, “The Tenth Anniversary Celebration was a grand mixture of storytelling. Eva Schloss used the evening to tell her personal story. Chabad’s story was more profound because the meaning won’t appear for years; not until today’s Pre-school children form their public lives.
“The Alex & Carol Glassman Chabad Naples Jewish Community Center and the Preschool of the Arts, through its teachers, is vital to a child’s wellness and a key aspect of the celebration of life that now, because of your decision, is a key part of ‘Where there is love, there is life.’”
As Chabad continues to grow, constantly requiring more space to provide its consistent quality of services and eve ore programs, your help is needed to enable us to continue. The Partnership Program offers opportunities to give at a level of participation that is comfortable to you. Please consider joining this growing trend which will allow us to realize the Chabad dream for you and your families. "The future is now." For more information, contact us at 239.262.4474 or click here. Thank you!
If you were unable to attend and purchase a book, there are still copies of “Eva’s Story” for sale -- contact Chabad office.