
Rabbi Fishel's Blog

It's a little long!

My Facebook post from this morning:

To our dear partners of our annual partner project!

It's a long post, but from the heart (so I'm allowed:)) and if you get to the end of the post do it!

Ten years ago, we knew maybe one or two people living in this city but our goal was was a clear and simple one: Bringing people together in the common pursuit of perpetuating greater and greater light in our world; to open our doors and our hearts to anyone and everyone in this part of the world seeking a sense of belonging and connection... Our mission was to provide educational programs for children; study opportunities for adults; social services for the needy and troubled; holiday events and outreach programs for the community at large - regardless of background, affiliation or level of observance.

We would like in particular to thank all of our precious partners (stay tuned for our special partner appreciation evening This is  a very special gathering of very special people: you are the 'nuts and bolts' of the Chabad Naples engine -- without you, we would not be able to run. ) and all our benevolent dedicators and supporters who helped and continue to help to make this dream of Chabad of Naples possible... You know, it takes vision, it takes selflessness and it takes sacrifice to part with one’s own resources for the sake of a greater good, but such is the mark of people who live with a sense of higher purpose... And such is the mark made by so many of you who partnered and partner in this sacred endeavor - to the utmost of your abilities... Whether you contribute $5 $50 or $50,000 to your Chabad Naples, you - you, my friends - are the ones who deserve our thanks.

So on the last day of 2013, we want to say to you two simple words from the heart: THANK YOU!

The list of names deserving of mention and thanks is long (I'd most probably get kicked off Facebook for the longest post ever and clogging up everyone's page), but time is short, (the weather is beautiful) and the festivities are beckoning:); so instead of announcing a long list of names, I will ask you to like this post for all the incredible people at Chabad of Naples.

 It feels good to be a PARTNER

Thank you!

Thank you!

We would like to express our deepest and most sincere thanks to each and everyone of you for believing in us, and for your incredible and hopefully continued partnership.  

When you provide consistent and dependable backing for Chabad Naples’ schools, youth groups and summer camp; when you facilitate our adult education, synagogue and community outreach programs; when you enable us to offer social service and crisis assistance programs to people of all ages and from all walks of life; you are not just supporters of this cause, you are veritable Partners in these vital endeavors!…

To be a part of this Community Center of goodness and kindness is a “zechus”… It’s a privilege… I hope that, like Ettie and me, you will see it in at that light and continueto  partner in ensuring a vibrant community today – and an even brighter tomorrow – to the best of your abilities. Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so very much!…

 Rabbi Fishel & Ettie

Double your pleasure, double your fun

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Dear Friends,

Thank you for your support throughout this past year.

Thank you for believing in us, and watching your dreams come true as we grow, slowly but surely. 

Everyone likes a good deal -- how can anyone pass up this one! Double the pleasure, double the fun -- by taking advantage of this fabulously generous offer!   

Dear Friends our beloved President, Art Seigel and his dear wife Ellen, have just pledged to match every donation (up to $4000) that comes in until Dec. 31,  which means if you give $54, we get $108; If you give $180, we get $360, etc. 

Please join this great opportunity by donating by clicking here.

Please keep in mind, that our entire budget is raised by us. We do not receive support from a central office or organization, and every dollar we receive stays right here in our community. 

Thank you again for your generosity and kindness.

Wishing you a great Shabbat,                                 
Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos

The coolest Chanukah!



Chanukah Recap!

Councilman Bill Barnett of Naples welcomed  hundreds of people from Naples, Marco Island and the surrounding communities who gathered at Chabad of Naples on the seventh night of Chanukah (Tuesday, December 3). 

Mayor John Sorey seemed very grateful that this year he didn't have to be carried up in the air on a scissors lift, to light the Chanukah candles. A very high ladder seemed challenging but a little less daunting, he said.

In collaboration with resident master artist Maurice Tordgman, a stunning 20-foot tall, 16-foot wide Menorah covered with sea life and topped by dolphins, was created by students of Chabad's  Preschool of the Arts, 

For the first time in Naples history, the evening began with a Chanukah Parade of Light, involving approximately 100 cars bearing lighted Menorahs, some of them broadcasting  traditional music. Guided by the Naples Police Department, the parade seemed to please many startled bystanders  who stood at the side of the streets, waving and calling "Happy Chanukah" to the drivers. As a bonus, Naples Luxury Imports donated the use of a 2014 Aston Martin Vanquish, a 2014 Maserati Ghibli, a 3014 Maserati Quattroporte, a 2014 Rolls Royce, and a 2014 Bentley Flying Spur, allowing two of them to be driven by winners of a raffle. Also participating were some antique cars and since it was an equal opportunity parade,  automobiles of very size, shape, color, and religious persuasion.

Following the lighting of seven candles, the audience was treated to songs by the Chabad Hebrew School students.  As Ettie Zaklos, Director of the Preschool said,  what could bring more light to your life than your children! Then everyone visited the various booths assembled around the Chabad campus to a background of live music, singing and dancing.  Of course the traditional potato latkes and special sufganiot, the delicious filled donuts were available along with crafts and activities and a jump house for the children.

Chanukah is all about light -- bringing light/enlightenment to the community and Chabad Naples certainly succeeded.


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